There’s vast, there’s versatile, and then, there are the dynamic looks Olivya Nora (@gass.y) creates. Known for her expert finishes that range from realistic to ultra-risky (and everything in between), this California-based content creator never fails to serve major makeup inspo onto our feed, and we can’t get enough of her good energy and creative spirit. Keep reading to find out more about Olivya, and shop her Deck of Scarlet must-haves below.
Where are you based?
Sunny California! 🌞☁✨
How do you like to spend your time?
I love spending my time indulging in books, video games, antiquing, playing with my cats, and as much time as I can playing outdoors! Summer's been so great where I live, so it's extra special. 💕
Describe your personality using only emojis.
💅✨ 🥰 🌈
What is your favorite look you've created using Deck of Scarlet products?
Olivya used dual liner in "interstellar" "retrograde" and "solar flare".
What is your favorite THREEWAY Solid Lip Oil shade and why?
Peach Sands is for sure my favorite color, it's like my lips but 100x better. I'm obsessed with the shade, it's so perfect for summer! ♥
Do you have a favorite makeup tip that you learned recently?
I've been watching a ton of Korean beauty creators recently, and I have learned to use different types of primer to target different areas of the face. I have oily-combo skin, so I switched to using an oil control primer on my T-zone (nose, forehead, around lips), and a normal primer on the rest of the face. It's an additional step, but it really makes all the difference.
What's some BOLD advice you have for women (and our femme fam) to live as boldy as you do?
Preserve your energy. Prioritize it on the people, activities, things, and places that rejuvenate you. Cut the excess from your life that drains your energy, and you will be that much happier. 😊🎇
Tag us on your @deckofscarlet inspired looks for a chance to be featured.
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